Hear Things Our Way » Memekast

memekast mk040 » Chiral

The Memekast officially spins back into action this month from our new headquarters in New York City. Much is going on behind the scenes, and we will be introducing some new personnel this year, as well as expanding our primary geographical focus, which to date has been primarily the San Francisco Bay Area. Notably, our new base of operations places us in proximity to some highly capable operatives in NYC.

Speaking of personnel, for MK040 we are proud to introduce a longtime MK2 operative who has taken on the additional role of Memekast resident!

The Chiral Aural Relay Unit has been reverse engineered from a Top Secret NASA mission to the planet Awesome. Chiral has been running MK2's state of the art Neurorhetorics program since 2006. She has recently been transferred with Mino to an undisclosed location in the US Southwest to investigate the effects of mellow beats on desert dwellers. They will be periodically presenting their findings via the usual channels.

Achieving low earth orbit with a heady blend of mellowed out instrumentals and underground hip hop, MK040 is a solid rocket boost straight to your dome. Bust out your Tang, Houston; this is cocktail music.

memekast mk040 » 7 March 2010 » Chiral

  1. The Essence - Dynamic Syncopation
  2. Trailing in the Wake - Rae & Christian
  3. Know You Don't - Jel
  4. Sandworms  -  Andy C. v. Darkhorse (DJ Mark Farina remix)
  5. Mental Invasion  - DJ Cam
  6. Dope Transmission - Sound Providers
  7. I Hear the Drummer - Luke Vibert
  8. La Sangra - J Boogie's Dubtronic Science
  9. Summer Love (Beyond There remix) - Billy Wright


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TrackBack URL: http://mk2systems.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/231

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