Hear Things Our Way » Memekast

memekast mk058 » Niles

Is it still a fanny pack if you rock it in the front? Is it still Dubstep if there isn't any dub? Niles plays the music that he feels is embracing the future of Dubstep without losing sight of its roots. Referencing the sound of early Tempa two step and sometimes stripping it down to a more minimal dub techno feel.

He's been keeping his head down and his ear to the ground while planning some new projects you are sure to be hearing about soon, as well as doing more remixing duties for VTG.

memekast mk058 » 13 August 2011 » Niles

  1. Fuzz2k - Weird Science
  2. Binary - Subaqueous
  3. HD4000 - Right Off (feat PopeBenadict16 - original)
  4. 501 - Everything In It's Place
  5. Reixtra & Subversive - Southern Stike
  6. Synkro - Reservoir
  7. Rush D - Babylon Demise
  8. Quest - Wind Tunnel
  9. Shadow Conspiracy - Artifact
  10. DJG & Headhunter-1 - Spacecakes
  11. Martyn - J.W. On A Good Night
  12. JSL - Black Series


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TrackBack URL: http://mk2systems.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/265

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