Hear Things Our Way » Memekast

memekast mk027 » Resynthesize

For our final episode of 2007, we pick up where Genji left off last month; with Sacramento's Resynthesize! Nah, we didn't plan it - we're just tapped in like that.

A founding member of the Escape Artists crew (along with Rhedcerulean, Phokus, Psylence, and recent memekast guest SeventhSwami), Resynthesize currently has two LPs and one remix album under his belt. His debut LP, Heart and Soul Direct, was released on Experimedia in 2006, with a remix collection appearing on the same label in 2007. His latest LP release is entitled Handprints, and is available from Addictech.

For the memekast he concocts a psychedelic blend of breaks, electro, and dubstep, all original productions and remixes. Keep an eye out for his forthcoming EP, The Green Wall, due to drop in January.

memekast mk027 » 16 December 2007 » Resynthesize

  1. Resynthesize - not dead yet
  2. Resynthesize - to the brain
  3. Resynthesize - the green wall
  4. QU One - good luck aguth (resynthesize remix)
  5. Resynthesize - supersynth
  6. Resynthesize - struggle to succeed
  7. Resynthesize - 683




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from jojodat » Resynthesize - Heart & Soul Remixalbum on January 7, 2008 12:30 PM

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