OK, it seems like everyone is done having the flu and hard drive crashes and blue screens of death, so we're gonna get you guys all caught up. We sincerely apologize for holding out, and promise to work on improving our defenses against future biological and data attacks.
For episode 19, we dove into all that chaos and emerged with this gem by San Francisco's Kitty-D. Through deadly viral attack, constant performances in and out of the Bay Area, and near-catastrophic equipment failure, Kitty-D managed to find time to mix down a multi-track live improv session of his own original tracks, remixes, and collaborations.
Most well known for his involvement in the Glitch Mob, Kitty-D has also been hard at work on collaborations with Random Rab (as Flowers of Wraith), Ooah (The Seedling Escape), and Goldilox (Goldilox+Kitty-D). The Seedling Escape's Photosynthesis mix is available now at Fake Science, with appearances by Random Rab, LayerZ (aka Audiovoid), and Epcot.
memekast mk019 » 19 June 2007 » Kitty-D
- Where's My Cellphone? (Kitty-D and Random Rab, kitty live rmx)
- Weather The Times (Kitty-D)
- Bitterfunk (Kitty-D and Ooah)
- Aftermathmatics (Kitty-D and Random Rab) for interchill fall compilation
- Amelie theme (Kitty-d re-stitch)
- Beluga (Kitty-d and Random Rab)
(With various samples and loops scattered throughout)
Upcoming Events:
- 6.21.07 BEAT CHURCH @ shine s.F.
- 6.23.07 Downlow Renegade, s.f.
- 6.29.07–6.30.07 raindance
- 7.05.07 BEAT CHURCH
- 7.14.07 Private party, s.f.
- 7.19.07 BEAT CHURCH
- 7.20.07–7.21.07 priceless, false profit campout in belden, ca
- 7.25.07 MANNIFESTiVAL, B.C.
- 7.26.07 Garibaldi Lift Co., Whistler B.C.
- 7.27.07 T.B.A.>Seedling Escape and Ganga Giri , Cumberland B.C.
- 8.02.07 BEAT CHURCH
- 8.16.07 BEAT CHURCH
- 8.27.07–9.02.07 Burning Man
- 9.14.07 Austin city limits awards afterparty, Texas
- 9.21.07–9.22.07 Symbiosis
wow and wow.... any visits to the east coast planned?
Loved the mix. Hard act to follow ;)
I really like your style D. Very thoughtful and progressive and deep.
One thing I also like about your productions is the almost country/blues feeling that you manage to mix with an eastern feel.
Feels like a Gaucho riding a Camel in Egypt, on her way to an underground bazaar to sell dangerous arcane secrets wrapped in beautiful and fragment silks.
really coooooool !!!
dark, with a downtempo-ish feeling
still dirty bass line u got me hooked!
Love it!
wow! i'm surprised this is still up here ! good job nemecast crew for the back catelog!
yup. "don't call it a comeback!"
and get back in touch with me, big tings gwan.