Disturbance in the memekast
Just a quick heads up to anyone who got a strange "episode" this morning and doesn't know what to make of it... As you might guess, that was not actually a memekast episode at all, but a blog post that got uppity. We're in the process of restructuring the memekast and rolling out some different content on the site, and we accidentally crossed the streams. We have temporarily removed the offending entry from our feed, and are working with one of our partners to locate the affected region of your memory and delete that as well.
Those of you who have no idea what i'm talking about, congratulations - you have successfully been subscribed to our memory deletion feed. This product is still in beta, so please do let us know if you experience any problems that you don't forget about within 24 hours. Please also be advised that our memory deletion partner is (apparently) experiencing some problems on their end, and we may not be able to resolve your specific issue until we remember who the partner is.
Thanks for listening.
stop trying to incite brain damage amage amage amage.............