Hear Things Our Way » Memekast

memekast mk081 » VibeSquaD

Episode 81 comes to us by way of our favorite master of the funk infused, squishy bass — the one and only VibeSquaD! This new mix contains a few tunes from his recent album Spinning Gears and Making Things. He also drops a couple of our old favorites, Swivel and Snagglepuss. Also notable are the Spoonbill collaboration and the remixes for Hellfire Machina and previous Memekast selector Freddy Todd (mk075). Definitely one of the most solid Memekasts to date, and we're stoked to be able to share it with you.

VibeSquaD is a beloved bass music producer/performer/innovator. His trained musical background contributes to his unique take on bass music, which carries him around the country playing packed clubs coast to coast. His signature sound electrifies audiences and his vibrant stage persona will put a smile on your face!

memekast mk081 » 01 December 2013 » VibeSquaD

  1. Swivel- VibeSquaD
  2. Snapdragons - VibeSquaD
  3. Walk of Shame - VibeSquaD
  4. Thunderbus - Freddy Todd (VibeSquaD remix)
  5. Good Love - Hellfire Machina ft Infuze (VibeSquaD remix)
  6. Stacking the Feedback - Spoonbill ft. VibeSquaD
  7. Joisting - VibeSquaD
  8. Wellfunk - VibeSquaD
  9. Snagglepuss - VibeSquaD
  10. Burn Rubber - VibeSquaD ft. Izza Kizza
  11. Stranded Busdriver - VibeSquaD
  12. Initial Descent (unreleased) - VibeSquaD
  13. Aristocratic Static - VibeSquaD / Dance -Slum Village
  14. Turtle Slap - VibeSquaD
  15. Bouncy Castle - VibeSquaD
  16. Windshield Wiper - VibeSquaD


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