Hear Things Our Way » Memekast

memekast mk077 » jOBOT

Episode number 77 comes by way of jOBOT. Another one of the rising stars on the ever growing Headtron roster, he comes CORRECT with this mix. Starting out with some of that Zapp & Roger business, then moving through some heavy Electro influenced Glitch Hop cuts with Love and Light. Featuring mostly original material or remixes and collaborations with Stephan Jacobs, Gridwork and Walkerling, this mix is sure to please. The whole episode is a showcase of his skill not only in producing quality music, but also the ability to transition from tempo to tempo, style to style with very little effort. Although a required DJ skill crucial to a quality live performance, it seems that with the advent of Ableton it's one that's too often overlooked.

jOBOT is an original producer of pulsating midtempo grooves and scandalously sexy downbeat melodies. An electronic musician of a whole new type, he fuses an immense breadth and depth of listening and training with funk-fueled bass playing, smooth vocals, and an ineffable balls-out, experimental, and creative spirit that “jOBOT” encompasses.

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memekast mk077 » 13 February 2013 » jOBOT

  1. Zapp and Roger - More Bounce to the Ounce
  2. Zapp and Roger - More Bounce to the Ounce (jOBOT remix)
  3. Love and Light & jOBOT - Down Like a Clown
  4. Love and Light - Vapor Bracelet (jOBOT remix)
  5. jOBOT - The Shining Light
  6. jOBOT - Until Tender
  7. jOBOT (ft. GRidwork) - Comin' Up
  8. jOBOT - In a Slimy Way
  9. jOBOT - Crackle Tip
  10. Stephan Jacobs - Trippin' (jOBOT remix)
  11. jOBOT - This Came Down
  12. Continuum (jOBOT & GRidwork) - Courtship And Samples
  13. jOBOT - Shades
  14. jOBOT & Walkerling - Never Ever


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