Hear Things Our Way » Memekast

memekast mk076 » 2NUTZ

Kicking off the Year of the Snake, 2NUTZ delivers a 45 minute slammer. Starting out with some crunked out lazer beats and chopped, screwed vocals, then moving through some straight forward glitch hop a la Tipper, this is a mix designed to hold your attention from beginning to end.

After seeing their live set at an outdoor music festival in Southern California, we knew they could deliver the goods, and would make a great addition to our growing catalogue, so we decided to get them on ASAP. The track selection on this episode is top notch and the mixing is solid. Promoters should definitely pay attention to this duo for bookings this year.

You can grab a copy of their new EP Bi-Tetral Inadvertancies out now on Muti Music.

2NUTZ is a collaboration of lazer technicians kLL sMTH and Atomic Reactor. Their mission is to create a unique, uplifting, high energy experience that always leaves you wanting more. 2NUTZ will launch you to a new planet whose inhabitants live in a spacious atmospheric environment and survive solely on low end frequencies and roaring synth lines. Not only do these two display amazing talent and dedication as a duo, they also excel in their trade individually. Together, and through their solo projects, they have taken the bass music world by storm with releases on Simplify, Adapted, Muti Music, Street Ritual, Gruntworthy, and Prime Dub

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memekast mk076 » 24 February 2013 » 2NUTZ

  1. 2NUTZ - merk [Unreleased]
  2. 2NUTZ - Crunk in Public [Prime Dub Records]
  3. 2NUTZ & ChrisB - Swivel Stick [Unreleased]
  4. 2NUTZ - Lazer Guided Blapahedron [Prime Dub Records]
  5. kLL sMTH - Serendipitous Traveler [Simplify Recordings]
  6. Ionik - Set your heart free (Atomic Reactor Remix) [Simplify Recordings]
  7. Ionik - Slightly Digital (kLL sMTH Remix) [Simplify Recordings]
  8. 2NUTZ & sAuce - Tree Masons [Muti Music]
  9. 2NUTZ - Buck Norris [Muti Music]
  10. Kraddy - Heart anthem (kLL sMTH Remix)
  11. Continuum - Heal (2NUTZ Remix) [Gruntworthy Records]
  12. 2NUTZ - Bi-Tetral-Inadvertancies [Muti Music]
  13. 2NUTZ & Ionik - Ionutz [Unreleased]
  14. Pink Floyd - Brain Damage (Atomic Reactor Remix) [Free Download]
  15. Art of Noise - Moments in Love (2NUTZ Remix) [Free Download]



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