Hear Things Our Way » Memekast

memekast mk072 » Pizza Party

Oh snap, it's time for the 4/20 Munchies mix y'all! Episode 72 comes to us from Pizza Party, the side project of Stephan Jacobs and NiT GriT. This order starts out crunchy with some of their freshest originals for the meat of the mix. Then it starts moving through some of their own solo works and remixes. To top the order off, they threw in the Freddy Todd remix of Stephan's tune In the Vortex and remixed a track by Metric. On the house.

The name of this project came about as a combination of NiT GriT’s endless desire for pizza, and Stephan Jacobs’ constant quest for partying. Pizza Party gives listeners of both artists a chance to hear a second style added to their favorite type of music.

You can purchase some of their freshest releases by going to DubStep.net

And remember to watch for upcoming Pizza Party shows in your area.

memekast mk072 » 20 April 2012 » Pizza Party

  1. Pizza Party - Take It
  2. Pizza Party - Don't Stop
  3. Pizza Party - Game Over
  4. Pizza Party - Walk on Out
  5. Pizza Party - Information Overload
  6. Nit Grit - Bomber
  7. Stephan Jacobs & Jantsen - Rubber Bands
  8. Pizza Party - Supreme
  9. Stiletto - Nothing Never Ends (Stephan Jacobs Remix)
  10. Stephan Jacobs - In The Vortex (Freddy Todd Hectic Mode Remix)
  11. Metric - Gold, Guns, Girls (Pizza Party Remix)


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TrackBack URL: http://mk2systems.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/287

2 Replies

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  • Dear Pizza Party,
    Hey Stephan Jacobs, Danny is ripping you off. I went to a NiT GriT concert, and he played Game Over and Supreme WITH OUT YOU. I dont think it was fair. Next time you should come to the concert so people know it wasn't just him. :) It was amazing Danny thanks for the concert. And Stephan Jacobs, you could do better and come. :)


  • aren't you just a conflicted commenteer... i think it's a bit much to say Danny is ripping Stephan off. calm down little buddy. it's just music.

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