Hear Things Our Way » Memekast

memekast mk068 » +verb

Bringing it home with yet another Headtron episode (it really was unintentional, we swear), Number 68 comes from the man known as +verb. We've had him plugged in since he put out his 2010 X-mas mix-tape. Let's face it, he's kind of hard not to notice, given that he's putting new music out seemingly every week. He also has a string of highly acclaimed releases and remixes on Simplify, Muti Music, Robox Neotech and most notably his remix for Starkey on Civil Music.

Distorting and dissecting frequencies in the most artful of ways, +verb defies the limits of modern technology with his innovative new methods for bringing life to the music he so meticulously manufactures. His distinct and instantly recognizable sound-design has appealed to artists, listeners and fans across the musical spectrum, and his rare ability to evoke a wide variety of emotions sets him miles ahead of the competition.

—Ethan Baer, subsynthesis.com

The most striking thing about +verb's unconventional musical style is that it is much more than just layering mid range wobbles on top of a specific drum sample bank that shall remain nameless. If a comparison must be made, his sound is somewhat reminiscent of a small portion of NastyNasty's older works but progressing into more musically experimental places. It has this lazy swagger to it, contrasted against tightly syncopated 808 kick, snare, and hi-hat rhythms, fused with evolving arpeggiations and quirky basslines that have a much more humanized feel than those in most of the music you hear today.

  • +verb's free 2011 X-Mas EP
  • Current tour schedule
  • Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/verb-1
  • Facebook: facebook.com/verbzzz
  • Twitter: twitter.com/verbmusics
  • Bandcamp: verb.bandcamp.com
  • Booking, Press, or Remix Inquiries:

memekast mk068 » 13 February 2012 » +verb

  1. Misk - Cutman (+verb Remix) (FORTHCOMING VERMIN STREET)
  2. Bobby Tank - Nexus Moonburgers (+verb Remix) (OUT NOW VIA PRIME DUB)
  3. Adam John - Buddy System (+verb Remix) (FORTHCOMING THEORETIC)
  4. SDUK - Asterisk (+verb Remix) (DUB)
  5. +verb - Pleasure (OUT NOW VIA ROBOX NEOTECH)
  7. +verb - Hypershine (OUT NOW VIA ROBOX NEOTECH)
  8. +verb - Rise (DUB)
  10. +verb - Mileage (OUT NOW VIA MUTI MUSIC)
  11. Damscray - Smellin Feelin (+verb's Robo Reslip) (OUT NOW VIA HYPERBOLOID)
  12. +verb - Dirtydirtyduuuurty (Instrumental) (DUB)
  13. +verb - The Mind (DUB)
  14. +verb - Bionic Smiles (OUT NOW VIA ROBOX NEOTECH)
  15. Outerplace - Wow Rilly (DUB)


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